Danielle Angus

Before starting Revolution Yoga, I worked in the corporate world for over a decade. Like many of us I found yoga out of necessity, seeking relief from the stress of a fast-paced life of juggling work and family commitments. Yoga kept me sane and I found myself wanting to slot in more yoga time to balance out the stress with more peace and bliss. 


With a regular yoga practice, my life became richer in many ways, including a newly discovered inner confidence, more restful sleep, improved mental clarity, physical fitness, and a deeper acceptance of myself and others. 

Completely hooked and wanting to deepen my practice and learn techniques to share this beautiful ancient practice with others, in 2014 I embarked on a 1200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. 

My heart was already taken with a traditional style of yoga, introduced in Australia in the 80’s and designed by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, who is a living descendant of a long line of respected yogis. Yoga in Daily Life, The System.

While completely true to the authentic tradition of classic hatha Yoga, it is designed to meet the needs of our modern times. It is a holistic system of health, encompassing the science of body, mind, consciousness and soul. 

Revolution Yoga was born from a belief that a regular yoga practice can change your life, for the BETTER, as it did mine. And one by one the world becomes a BETTER place with open hearts full of love, peace and compassion for all living beings.

I’d love for you to share with me the absolute joy Yoga brings!

xx Danielle