Here’s the low down for joining our Live Online Classes
First of all, you will need to purchase a membership. Click here.
You will then receive an email confirmation of your purchase, shortly followed by a second email with the Zoom Meeting links for you to join
the weeks online classes.
Set up your sacred space - Think about the best spot for you to take the class. You will want to be away from any noise and distractions,
mobile on silent, with enough space for you and your yoga mat, some water close-by and any cushions or blankets, candles etc that you might
like to use.
Access the email on the device you wish to use for the class – Computer, Laptop, Smartphone or Tablet and keep device on charge as video
meetings use battery-life quite quickly. There are also ways you can connect your device to your TV screen to allow you a better view of
your teacher.
Then click the Zoom meeting invitation link to join the Zoom Meeting
1. Watch this 1 min tutorial to learn how to join a meeting Click
2. Once you have tested your video and audio you will be ready to go.
3. If you have any problems connecting let me know at least 10-15 mins prior to the class starting and I can help (Call or text
0409 308 487)
4. Each live class is time just for you! We begin lying down with a lovely little relaxation to bring us into our practice, move
into asanas (postures) and finish with a relaxation and either a meditation or a pranayama (breath
practice). You are going to love it!
5. During class, please only do postures that feel good, if you have any injuries or illnesses please let me know prior to class
so we can discuss contraindications and alternatives
Using ZOOM
When you click on your personal link the ZOOM client will take you into the associated classroom.
If you are using ZOOM for the first time, it will ask you to download a ZOOM launcher. Click OK and proceed to the meeting. For any
technical issues or questions, please call Danielle on 0409 308 487 and I'll do my best to assist.
Please mute your mic during the class in order to prevent the background noise. The mute/unmute (microphone) button is in the left bottom
corner of your zoom window. However, please feel free to un-mute it anytime, in case of questions or comments.
Please have your camera ON and set your computer camera in a position that the teacher can see you. For new students this is especially
important, so we can support you practice as best we can.
By joining in a Revolution Yoga online class, you agree to the terms in our Disclaimer.
Remember, we cannot see you very well, so it is vital that you take full responsibility for your own practice and care for your body. Please
let us know of any injuries or relevant medical information.
Remember, if it does not feel right for you, then do not do it. We encourage you to stop whenever you need to and ask for assistance if you
are unsure about whether a pose or movement is right for you.
If it’s not possible during class, then talk to your teacher afterwards. We are here to help you get the most from your practice & we
can offer adjustments or alternatives.
Questions and Comments
Any questions are welcome and your feedback highly valued. Please wait until the end of the class, then un-mute your mic and talk directly
with your teacher.